1. Introduction
Schizophrenia is a persistent psychotic disorder where the affected person h:::as char:::acteristics, such as disordered thinking, emotions, perceptions, and behavior. Also, acute episodes of schizophrenia are characterized by delusions, hallucinations, illogical thoughts, incoherent speech, and strange behavior [
The symptoms of schizophrenia can be explained through the theory of the diathesis-stress model. This model combines biological, psychosocial, and environmental factors that specifically affect a person to cause the development of symptoms of schizophrenia [
People with schizophrenia have problems in executing their functional abilities. Individuals with schizophrenia often have strange or unnatural behavioral habits. One of the behaviors is collecting goods. Our patient was interested in collecting goods, especially second-hand, and useless goods such as old newspapers, cigarettes, and food wrappers. Then, he stored goods in his pants and room. This behavior certainly disturbs him and others around him. This behavior is usually based on the pleasure in carrying out such strange behavior. He did not feel pleasure when doing other activities, so that odd behavior tended to be repeated.
The principles of behavior can be applied to individuals with schizophrenia, where the behavior tends to be repeated because there is a feeling of pleasure. This outcome is in accordance with the principle of operant conditioning that pleasure in collecting goods is a reinforcement for the subject to repeat his behavior.
Appropriate interventions for handling this case are operant conditioning: a technique based on a learning approach involving rewarding individuals for the expected emergence of behavior [
3]. If a reinforcing stimulus follows the appearance of an operant, the strength of the behavior will increase so that the behavior will become persistent [
Negative reinforcement is given as a consequence received by the subject if he cannot reduce the frequency of collecting goods. It aims to reduce the behavior of collecting goods carried out by the subject. In contrast, a reward reinforces a new subject’s behavior if the subject can reduce the frequency of collecting rubbish.
2. Methods
The initial assessment was carried out to obtain information about the subject through interviews, observations, and psychological tests. Also, informed consent was obtained from the subject’s family. Interviews were conducted with the subject, the subject’s family, and the officer in the subject’s care area.
Observations were made to observe the subject’s maladaptive behavior. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) was implemented to determine the intelligence level of the subject. The personality tests of DAP, BAUM, HTP, and WARTEGG were performed to find out the subject’s personality. Also, the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) test was done to determine the press and needs experienced and needed by the subject. Finally, Woodworth›s questionnaire was introduced to determine the clinical condition of the subject.
Based on the assessment, the subject was an introverted person, organized and bound by rules, and impulsive. The subject had schizophrenic tendencies, experienced hallucinations, had wrong beliefs about himself, and behaved strangely; however, he had an average level of intelligence. It can be concluded that the subject meets the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder Fifth Edition [
5] for schizophrenic disorders (295.90) with behavioral problems of collecting goods.
Negative reinforcement is often felt like a punishment or something that is a burden on the subject, increasing desired behavior [
6]. A reward is given to increase or repeat the expected behavior [
7]. This intervention consisted of 5 sessions (
Table 1).
3. Results
The results of the interventions were evaluated based on the number of observations of the behavior of collecting goods by the subject at one meeting. The list of observed behaviors consists of four behaviors because these they are always carried out by the subject every morning.
Optimal intervention result is achieved if the subject has a total value of 0 in each day which means that the subject does not collect goods at all. But this is quite difficult for the subject because the habit of collecting goods has been made for a long time. Therefore, a gradual decrease is a significant improvement gained from the intervention process. The intervention results to reduce the behavior of collecting used and useless goods by the subject can be seen in
Figure 1. Based on
Figure 1, there is a decrease in the behavior of collecting goods.
The subject has the initiative to abandon collecting goods in some situations after implementing the fifth session. So, this outcome is considered as the subject’s progress during the intervention, and the intervention can be ended even if the subject has not gotten the maximum results or get a score of 0.
At first, the subject was angry and did not want to follow the intervention because it interfered with his habits. But after receiving the proper explanation, he followed the intervention at the next meeting.
After the intervention, the subject could resist collecting cigarettes and rubbish. This result can be interpreted as the subject began to form the new behavior of no longer collecting the goods. Now, the subject feels that by not collecting those rubbish, his body has become cleaner than before.
One month after the intervention, the subject can hold his behavior of not collecting cigarettes and rubbish. However, collecting coffee packs and newspapers was still done by the subject because he still considers them valuable objects.
4. Discussion and Conclusion
Applying positive and negative reinforcement techniques can reduce the behavior of collecting goods carried out by the subject. By using operant conditioning, the subject’s behavior can be conditioned. Negative reinforcement given to the subject is something that is not liked by the subject. The undesirable things will reduce the probability of the occurrence of undesirable behavior. This fact is supported by research that states that schizophrenic patients can respond to negative reinforcement, which is what they dislike [
8]. Giving rewards as a positive reinforcer and negative reinforcement has a large influence on the behavior of schizophrenic patients so that by providing rewards and punishment, the behavior of schizophrenic patients can be changed [
Reward or punishment given to the subject can make the subject happy and motivated not to collect goods. This fact is supported by research that schizophrenic patients can feel positive emotions when confronted with stimuli that make them remember pleasant things [
10], which in this case is telling about psychology.
Giving rewards in the form of stories about psychology can also be categorized as social interaction. Social interactions occur between therapists and schizophrenic patients, making patients feel happy [
11]. They also feel to be more valuable persons. Through the interactions, an individual with schizophrenia will not feel too different from others. This issue can encourage their willingness to follow the treatment [
Interventions using a behavioral approach through punishment and reward techniques can reduce the subject’s maladaptive behavior. Based on the evaluation results of each session on four behavior targets to collect goods, the subject changed gradually. The main change in the subject after the intervention was that he no longer collected used goods and cigarettes from the streets. This gradual change was judged as the success of the intervention process even though the subject could not collect goods at all.
Suggestions for further researchers are to conduct studies in a more extended period to see changes in the subject’s behavior and giving psychoeducational to the people around the subject about preventing relapse in schizophrenia patients. Especially, the researchers should pay attention to routine drug administration and provide social support to provide activities that can make the subject feel happy and valuable.
Ethical Considerations
Compliance with ethical guidelines
This study was approved by The Ethics Committee of the Master of Professional Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
This research did not receive any grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or non-profit sectors.
Authors contributions
All authors equally contributed to preparing this article.
Conflicts of interest
The author declared no conflict of interest
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