Volume 8, Issue 4 (5-2003)                   IJPCP 2003, 8(4): 64-73 | Back to browse issues page

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Habib S, Shirazi M A. Job Satisfaction and Mental Health among the Employees of a General Hospital. IJPCP 2003; 8 (4) :64-73
URL: http://ijpcp.iums.ac.ir/article-1-217-en.html
Abstract:   (23441 Views)


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess job satisfaction and mental health among employees of Hazrat-e Rasoul Hospital Complex.

Method: The research sample included 300 hospital nursing and administrative employees (252female and 48 male)who completed Job Satisfaction and General Health Questionnaires. Research data were analyzed by descriptive statistic methods and correlation coefficient.

Findings: This study showed that on the whole 61% of employees were satisfied and 39% were unsatisfied with their jobs. The rate of job satisfaction in nurses was significantly lower than the administrative employees. In both groups, the greatest aspects of job satisfaction were expressed in relation to higher ranking workers and the nature of the work the least satisfactory dimensions of the job were salary, fringe benefits, and possible awards and bonuses. A negative correlation was obtained between job satisfaction with the level of edu-cation. There was not a significant correlation between job satisfaction with age, sex, marital status, and history of employment.The total score of General Health Questionnaire for 53.3% of the sample was out of the normal range and also negatively correlated with the level of job satisfaction. In addition, the lowest level of mental health and job satisfaction was seen in nurses who worked in CCU, ICU, surgery rooms, and internal medicine wards.

Results: There is a correlation between low level of job satisfaction and increasing mental disorders.


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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Psychiatry and Psychology
Received: 2007/10/29 | Published: 2003/05/15

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