Volume 15, Issue 4 (Winter 2010)                   IJPCP 2010, 15(4): 343-350 | Back to browse issues page

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Rabiee M, Khorramdel K, Kalantari M, Molavi H. Factor Structure, Validity and Reliability of the Modified Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale for Body Dysmorphic Disorder in Students. IJPCP 2010; 15 (4) :343-350
URL: http://ijpcp.iums.ac.ir/article-1-888-en.html
1- , E-mail: rabiei_psychology@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (18733 Views)

Objectives: The aim of the present study was to examine the factor structure, validity and reliability of the Modified Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale in a sample of Iranian students. Method: The method of this study was standardi-zation. After the translation of the original version of the mentioned Scale to Farsi and confirming it by three psychology and English language professors, the final version was administered to 100 students (50 males, 50 females) of Isfahan University who were selected through stratified-cluster sampling. The age range of the participants was between 19 to 35 years. To assess  reliability, internal consistency and split half methods were used. Also, concurrent validity and validity of diagnostic factorial structure were used to determine reliability. Results: The range of Cronbach’s alpha was from 0.78 for factor of “power of thought control” to 0.93 for “obsessive thoughts and behaviors”. Also, the coefficients of Cronbach’s alpha reliability, split half, and Gotman coefficient were 0.93, 0.83, and 0.92 respectively. The correlation coefficient of this questionnaire with Padua Inventory and Body Satisfaction Scale was 0.58 and 0.33 respectively. Factor analysis of two factors, namely “power of thought control” and “obsessive thoughts and behaviours”, accounted for 66% of ques-tionnaire variance in total. Conclusion: Modified Yale-Brown Obsessive-compulsive Scale for body dysmorphic disorder has satisfactory reliability and validity in the sample of Iranian students, and could be used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Psychiatry and Psychology
Received: 2010/02/24 | Published: 2010/02/15

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