Volume 14, Issue 4 (Winter 2009)                   IJPCP 2009, 14(4): 389-393 | Back to browse issues page

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Ashouri A, Torkman Malayeri M, Fadaee Z. The Effectiveness of Assertive Training Group Therapy in Decreasing Aggression and Improving Academic Achievement in High School Students. IJPCP 2009; 14 (4) :389-393
URL: http://ijpcp.iums.ac.ir/article-1-608-en.html
1- , E-mail: ahmad.ashouri@gmail.com
Abstract:   (12553 Views)


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of assertive training group therapy in aggression reduction and academic achievement among high school students in the city of Shiraz. Method: In an experimental study, 32 subjects were selected using the Aggression Questionnaire (AGQ) and clinical interview, from among 125 high school students. The subjects were randomly assigned to one experimental and one control group. Also, 32 normal students from the same high schools and classes were randomly selected as the normal control group. Assertive training group therapy was administered to the experimental group in twelve 90-minutes sessions. The normal and aggressive control groups did not receive any therapy. All three groups completed the study’s questionnaires after the intervention period. Data were analyzed using statistical tests of t-test, analysis of variance, and Scheffe post hoc test. Results: Analysis of variance in post test assessment showed significant difference between the variables of aggression and academic achievement in the three groups (p<0.01). In other words, aggression decreased in the experimental group and a significant improvement in education took place. Conclusion: Assertive training group therapy is effective in decreasing aggression and improving academic achievement.

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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Psychiatry and Psychology
Received: 2009/03/25 | Published: 2009/02/15

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