Volume 9, Issue 4 (5-2004)                   IJPCP 2004, 9(4): 18-24 | Back to browse issues page

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Rasoulian M, Elahi F, Afkham Ebrahimi A. The Relationship between Job Burnout and Personality Traits in Nurses. IJPCP 2004; 9 (4) :18-24
URL: http://ijpcp.iums.ac.ir/article-1-146-en.html
1- , E-mail: 1973@hotmail.com
Abstract:   (20346 Views)


Objectives: This project aimed to evaluate both the level of job burnout in three dimensions of emo- tional exhaustion,depersonalization,and decrement of personal accomplishment as well as assess- ing its relationship to personality traits.

Method: 210 nurses working in RasoulAkramHospital were evaluated by Maslach Burnout Inven- tory (MBI) and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Personality Disorders (MMPI-PD). 184 questionnaires were completed the rest were either unanswered or partially answered (response rate: 87.6%). The four groups of subjects with the most frequent personality traits were selected. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), the Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), and Post hoc Least method were used for the analysis of the differences between burnout mean scores.
Nurses’ total level of job burnout was assessed as average in emotional exhaustion, low in depersonalization, and average in personal accomplishment. The subjects afflicted with obsessive- compulsive disorder exhibited the highest level of emotional exhaustion and the lowest level of personal accomplishment. Histrionic and narcissistic subjects respectively indicated the highest level of depersonalization and personal accomplishment.

Results: The level of job burnout is different in various personality groups in addition to its rela-tion to occupational and demographic variables.

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Type of Study: Original Research |
Received: 2007/07/31 | Published: 2004/05/15

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