Volume 28, Issue 4 (Winter 2023)                   IJPCP 2023, 28(4): 404-409 | Back to browse issues page

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Saberizafarghandi M B. Preserving the Scientific Dignity of the Persian Language as the Language of People With Rich Culture and History. IJPCP 2023; 28 (4) :404-409
URL: http://ijpcp.iums.ac.ir/article-1-3762-en.html
Department of Addiction, School of Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health (Tehran Institute of Psychiatry), Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. , saberi.mb@iums.ac.ir
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Language is one of the most important parts of any culture. Persian language is one of the main components of the Iranian culture. Learning Persian language is a way for understanding Iranian culture and history. Like other languages in the world, It is crucial to pay attention and preserve all aspects of Persian language including scientific, educational and religious. All cultural institutions in Iran including the Academy of Persian Language and Literature and important people such as the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran have strongly emphasized that “Persian language should be expanded and its cultural influence in the world should be increased”. They emphasize “writing in Persian”, “creating words in Persian” ,”creating terms in Persian”, and “publishing scientific works in Persian”. Publication of scientific works in Persian can lead to the enrichment of the Persian language and reading by more people and contribute to improving the dissemination of scientific information in society particularly in human sciences.
The first issue of the Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology (IJPCP), formerly known as the “Quarterly of Thought and Behavior”, was published in 1994 in Persian. It is an academic journal (indexed by Web of Science and Scopus) in the fields of psychiatry, clinical psychology, mental health and addiction, which published by the school of Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health (Tehran Institute of Psychiatry) in Iran University of Medical Sciences. The IJPCP was selected as the best academic journal in Persian language during the Razi Medical Sciences Research Festival in 2021. The Festival is held each year since 1994 to honor prominent Iranian scholars in medical sciences inside and outside of the country as well as the scholars from the Middle East and the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization with an emphasis on novelty. This festival is named in honor of Muḥammad ibn Zakariya Razi, a Persian physician, philosopher and alchemist. The selection of IJPCP as the best journal in the festival can be a good opportunity to publish more scientific works in Persian and consequently preserve the Persian language and Iranian culture. Also, being indexed by reputable databases such Web of Science and Scopus can attract the attention of many scholars from Iran and foreign countries.
- Here there are some recommendations that can be considered by policymakers such as the Academy of Persian Language and Literature and the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution in Iran:
- Less emphasis on publishing scientific articles in English as a criterion for promoting the rank of faculty members and more attention to publishing high-quality articles in Persian;
- Reconsidering the requirement of the PhD students to publish articles extracted from their theses in English; 
- Accurate and continuous monitoring of Persian Language Journals in terms of the rules of writing articles in Persian, in addition to observing guidelines in publishing articles;
- Asking national journals in English language to provide extended abstract of their articles in Persian.

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Type of Study: Letter to the editor | Subject: Psychiatry and Psychology
Received: 2022/08/5 | Accepted: 2023/03/1 | Published: 2023/01/1

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